Hail, Holy Queen of Heaven and Earth, brilliant Star of Purity, Ever Virgin Blessed Mother of Mercy, our Sweetness and our Hope, from the heights of your dignity, look lovingly on us, Your children. We ask that through your Spouse, the Holy Spirit, and with your Son, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, pray for us that we may be worthy of His promises. Amen
When we start to think of prayer as Someone, and not something, we are finally about to speak to God. A lot of people today pray, but they never talk to God. Speak up, and really talk to God, heart to heart, like a friend. Jesus calls us to pray "unceasingly." Don't be confused about this, becasue it has nothing to do with saying prayers. It means living in the Present Moment; that everything we do is for God, though our attention, our activities, are focused on the duties of life.
This way there is no separation between our life and our prayer; they are woven togehter lke threads in a tapestry. That's all it takes, and we can do that where ever we are. Sometimes that union with God and that unceasing prayer is a prayer of anguish, a prayer of tears, or a prayer of joy.
Prayer prepares you to get rid of all those things inside yourself that are not like Jesus. It creates a disposition of assurance--not that you're going to get every answer that you want--but assurance of God's presence and His love and His Divine Mercy. Prayer is the release of our love with the assurance that we are loved in return. Prayer is your heartbeat in rhythm with His. Pray as you love.
According to Mother Angelica in her book: "Little Book of Life Lessons," she listed Four Degrees of Prayer:
Prayer of Strength -
comes when we realize that God is our Father and we've got this vacuum in our heart. We're full of sin, we're full of anxieties and frustrations, and we have nowhere to go. The thirst we have give us a sense of repentance, which enables us to "open the door" to God's heart. Once we repent, comes the prayer of the heart.
Prayer of the Heart -
looks at God with a humble heart saying, "Lord I leave everything to Your will. I love You enough to accept all the nos and all the yesses. The prayer of the heart demonstrates a deep commitment that we are going to live a Christian life, no matter the temptations or obstacles.
Prayer of the Mind -
is where we begin to examine ourselves and helps us dig into our own conscience and rid ourselves of all the "junk." Dryness comes in; that kind of empty feeling where you sense that God if far away and He's not listening. This is a good sign because it calls us to rise to a higher spiritual level.
Prayer of the Soul -
when we feel a very deep presence of God, a deep sense of love. We begin to sense God's presence in our neightbor. It's the Father in us loving Jesus in our neighbor. This is the highest form of prayer, because it is unceasing.
Remember to always give a prayer of thanks to God....not for just the big things in our lives like a new baby or a job or new home, but the little things too, like a new book.
Please pray the World Mission Rosary for those around the world who that have been victims of natural and political disasters. And, pray for the nations to recover from the devastating economic effects of this disaster.
The World Mission Rosary was conceived in 1951 by the Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen. The World Mission Rosary unites people of the world in a spiritual communion and as Bishop Sheen said, the one who prays it will “embrace all continents, all people in prayer.
The five decades represent the five continents for which we pray:
Green is for Africa
Red is for the Americas
White is for Europe
Blue is for Oceania
Yellow is for Asia
Say three final Hail Marys for the missioners and healthcare workers throughout the world, the true instruments of the fight against this world-wide disease. Pray for recovery from the illness of all people in the name and with the grace of Jesus Christ, Divine Physician.
Your prayer should not be selfish. Pray for everyone: for those who resist God and for those who do not know Him. Pray for the indifferent Christian; for those who languish in prison; for those who have neither home, nor food, nor work, and who are the most vulnerable to this plague. Pray that all may receive honesty of life, faith, peace and well-being.
Ask God for these graces through the intercession of Mary, St. Joseph, St. Michael, and st. Rocco. The Blessed Mother said at Fatima: "Pray for the rosary every day. Pray for the world and for peace. Only my Immaculate Heart can help you."
Lord, we ask You to send Saint Michael and all the hosts of heaven to battle against the forces of evil and death in our nation. We ask specifically that the moral degradation of our country be reversed and that we will enter a time of moral renewal. We ask that all human beings be respected, especially the most vulnerable among us, and that their lives be protected by law, and that our nation's inhabitants will turn to you in purity, trust, selflessness, love, and faith. With this intention in mind, we offer this prayer:
"Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the Divine Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls." Amen
Oración a San Miguel por Nuestro País
Señor, te pedimos que envíe San Miguel y todos los ejércitos del cielo a la batalla contra las fuerzas del mal y de la muerte en nuestra nación. Le pedimos específicamente que la degradación moral de nuestro país puede invertir y que vamos a entrar en un tiempo de renovación moral. Le pedimos que se respete a todos los seres humanos, especialmente de los más vulnerables entre nosotros, y que sus vidas sean protegidos por la ley, y que los habitantes de nuestra nación se volverá a vosotros en la pureza, la confianza, la generosidad, el amor y la fe.
Con esta intención en mente, ofrecemos esta oración:
"San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y asechanzas del demonio. Reprímale Dios, pedimos suplicantes, y haz tú, Príncipe de la milicia celestial, por el Poder Divino de Dios , echar en el infierno a Satanás ya los otros espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas.” Amen